Ep. 5 | Tub Talks with Krotchy: Animation Artist + Model + Creative

On Tub Talks this week, I converse with Sarah aka Krotchy aka Yonk: our multi-named, multifaceted creative friend who, in her words, makes art for ‘out-there’ kids that want to be inspired. Her mediums branch out from animation filmmaking to music, modeling, and acting. Growing up as a self-proclaimed ‘goofy nerd,’ her career took off through social media in 2014 when she got spotted by Theo Wenner (son of Rolling Stone Magazine founder) and cast in his music video for Tame Impala and Mark Ronson. He then cast her as the first non-nude covergirl for Playboy, thrusting her into a new industry centered around travel, body image, and luxury. She had never left the state of California before. This exponential change transformed her life in a multitude of ways, pushing her to ask herself how to redefine her power as a woman, own her creative process, and refine her personal connection to her own wellness practice.

Throughout this conversation under the oak tree, we confront our distractions, embrace our weirdness, and discuss the virtual presentation of showcasing our inner selves and feeding into external perceptions that conflict. Building a social media presence online has allowed Krotchy agency in choosing how she wants to be portrayed. It’s a constant back-and-forth expression, switching from modeling to directing, overlapping her quirky interests and the opportunities that propelled her into entertainment. Feeling as though being a model skewed the outward perspective people have on her as a creative, specifically becoming known as an oversexualized being, not for her mind or work in the design world, she is doing the work by focusing on her career as a director and producer. Discovering plant medicine has been essential for Krotchy’s growth, and she tells us about her sustainable practices that help her stay grounded in her work. 

Through Krotchy’s inquisitive nature, we come full circle with our own roots and dive into the birth story of Secular Sabbath. We explore why we built this community that continues to gather and grow every day. With that, we encourage you to try everything that interests you, see if it works and if it doesn’t try again. Maybe you’ll love it, maybe you won’t. At least, you put in the effort to try something new and take risks. So in this time when being different is powerful, drop into this conversation with an open mind and tune in for connection to fellow weirdos out there.

To join Secular Sabbath membership, you can find us at secular-sabbath.com/membership. Joining grants you access to our Inner Circle community of sensory-exploring like-minded people, where you can gather with us locally in LA for monthly meet-up experiences, pop-up events around the globe, and partake in our exclusive ambient online community. 

Ready to dive into the dialogue deeper? Join us on our Discord channel.

See what we get up to at @secularsabbath.